How to build karma Slack bot in Elixir

What constant feedback, working remotely and self-improvement have in common? These are the values we hold dear at HappyTeam.

A few years ago, when we were using HipChat for async communication, we discovered a nice bot called karma. It was a cool add-on to our feedback culture, allowing us to give each other "karma points". These points could be later used while voting for Sprint MVP for instance.

When we moved to Slack, which doesn't have anything similar out-of-the box, we missed this feature a lot. There were a few third party plugins (both proprietary and open source) but most of them had some drawbacks. I thought that this might be a great opportunity to write such a bot myself in a language that I've been learning for some time and felt very enthusiastic about. This language was Elixir. I chose it because it was something outside of my everyday .NET world, something fresh, multiplatform, functional.

In this post I'll show you how to build a Slack bot in Elixir. For readers who are starting their adventure with Elixir I explained some of the constructs and provided links to appropriate Elixir's guide pages.


The bot will support 3 functions:

  • assign karma - by sending a message with one or more mentions followed by appropriate number of plus (or minus) signs to add to (or to subtract from) the current number of karma points for mentioned user. Eg. thanks @mike ++ for help. Pluses/minuses work like the increment/decrement operators from C, i.e. ++ increments karma by one. The maximum value of which karma can be changed is five.
  • show karma - by talking directly to the bot (private message) or by mentioning bot's name in one of the channels (optionally followed by the string info) to see the current points for each user.
  • reset karma - by typing reset after bot's mention (eg. @elkarmo reset) in one of the channels to set all points to 0.

Creating a simple Slack bot

Assuming that Elixir 1.3 or greater is installed on your machine start a new project with mix:

$ mix new elkarmo
$ cd elkarmo

You cannot use a simple slash command, because the bot must receive all the messages in a channel and parse them to look for correct karma assignment messages. To do this, you have to use Slack Real Time Messaging API. Fortunately, there's Elixir-Slack library, which makes interaction with Slack RTM API much easier. Add this library (and its dependencies) to your project, by adding it to deps list inside mix.exs file:

defp deps do
    {:slack, "~> 0.7.0"},
    {:websocket_client, git: ""}

You must also update applications list to include newly added apps:

def application do
  [applications: [:logger, :websocket_client, :slack]]

Now get and compile them with the following command:

$ mix do deps.get, deps.compile

Time to create a new Slack bot. The easiest way is to visit this link. Fill in bot's name (eg. elkarmo) and click Add bot integration. You will be redirected to the bot customization page. You can change name, avatar, etc. The most important thing right now is API Token – you will need it to connect your bot to Slack.

Next thing to do is to implement a simple message handler. Inside elkarmo project, create a file lib/elkarmo/slack.ex (you have to create lib/elkarmo directory) with the following contents:

defmodule Elkarmo.Slack do
  use Slack

  def handle_connect(slack) do
    IO.puts "Connected as #{}"

  def handle_message(_message = %{type: "message", subtype: _}, _slack), do: :ok

  # ignore reply_to messages
  def handle_message(_message = %{type: "message", reply_to: _}, _slack), do: :ok

  def handle_message(message = %{type: "message"}, slack) do
    say_hello(message, slack)

  def handle_message(_message, _slack), do: :ok

  defp say_hello(%{channel: channel}, slack) do
    send_message("Hello from elkarmo", channel, slack)

Handler functions handle_connect & handle_message come from Elixir-Slack library. Elixir pattern matching is used on function handle_message to ignore messages containing either subtype (various event messages, eg. channel join) or reply_to (happens usually after reconnect) fields. After that, comes the actual handler, which right now only sends Hello from elkarmo message. Last handler is used to catch any possible events (eg. reactions). Without it, your app might crash because it wouldn't be able to find appropriate handler. Symbol :ok is used as the return value to all functions, cause it's a common convention in OTP to denote that everything went fine and the processing should continue. slack parameter is the "context" of current Slack session, which contains various interesting information like the list of channels, users, etc.

Testing the bot in iex

Start Elixir's interactive shell iex and load elkarmo. To do this, run the following command from the project's root directory:

$ iex -S mix

You should see iex prompt. Time to start your handler (remember about the token):

iex(1)> Elkarmo.Slack.start_link("PASTE-THE-SLACK-API-TOKEN-HERE")
Connected as elkarmo
{:ok, #PID<0.205.0>} <-- PID can vary

Go to Slack, invite the newly created bot to one of the channels and send a message. The bot should reply:

Slack bot

To exit iex press Ctrl+C twice

Identifying direct messages

Depending on the channel of your interaction with the bot (private or public), various functions are enabled. For private messages you only show karma, while for public messages you have to parse their contents.

Check for private messages by adding the following function to slack.ex:

defp is_direct_message?(%{channel: channel}, slack), do: Map.has_key? slack.ims, channel

The code above extracts channel from map given in the first parameter (again, thanks to pattern matching) and checks if that channel is the im message channel by looking for its presence in the list of direct channels (slack.ims). Method name ends with a question mark to denote that it returns a boolean (convention common in Ruby).

Having knowledge of message type, change (only) the main handler to the following:

def handle_message(message = %{type: "message"}, slack) do
  if not is_direct_message?(message, slack) do
    # TODO: add parsing
    say_hello(message, slack)
    show_karma(message, slack)

and add a new function at the end:

defp show_karma(%{channel: channel}, slack) do
  send_message("Showing karma", channel, slack)

You can test the bot using iex as described earlier.

Parsing messages

Please note that inside RTM API, the messages don't look the same as in GUI client, instead of mentions, user ids are used. So, if someone says "Hi @jack!", you will see something similar to "Hi <@U07A2APBP>", where "U07A2APBP" is the user's id.

For different types of operations supported, parser will return appropriate atom:

  • for info requests (empty bot mention or followed by info) return :info atom.
  • for reset requests (bot mention followed by reset) return :reset atom.
  • for karma assignments (user(s) mention followed by two or more plus/minus signs) return two-element tuple: {:update, list_of_karmas}, where list_of_karmas is a list of two-element tuples in the form {user_id, score}.
  • otherwise return nil.

Time to implement these requirements as unit tests. Go to project's root directory and create a new file: test/elkarmo/parser_test.exs. Extension exs denotes that this is Elixir script file, which is directly executed by the interpreter (without compiling). Here are the tests:

defmodule Elkarmo.ParserTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  alias Elkarmo.Parser, as: Parser
  @my_id "U1J28HCKC"

  test "info" do
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>", @my_id) == :info
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>:", @my_id) == :info
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: ", @my_id) == :info
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}> info", @my_id) == :info
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>:info", @my_id) == :info
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: info", @my_id) == :info

  test "reset" do
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}> reset", @my_id) == :reset
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>:reset", @my_id) == :reset
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: reset", @my_id) == :reset

  test "update" do
    expected = {:update, [{"U174NDB8F", 1}]}
    assert Parser.parse("<@U174NDB8F>: ++", @my_id) == expected
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}> <@U174NDB8F>: ++", @my_id) == expected
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>:<@U174NDB8F>: ++", @my_id) == expected
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: <@U174NDB8F>: ++", @my_id) == expected

  test "other message" do
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: informations", @my_id) == nil
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: resetting", @my_id) == nil
    assert Parser.parse("<@#{@my_id}>: <@U174NDB8F>: +", @my_id) == nil
    assert Parser.parse("<@U174NDB8F>: +", @my_id) == nil
  test "message with no karma" do
    assert Parser.extract_karma("") == []
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U07A2APBP>: hey") == []
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U07A2APBP>: +--") == []

  test "simple ++" do
    expected = [{"U174NDB8F", 1}]
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>: ++") == expected
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F> ++") == expected
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>++") == expected

  test "simple --" do
    expected = [{"U174NDB8F", -1}]
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>: --") == expected
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F> --") == expected
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>--") == expected

  test "higher values" do
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>: +++++") == [{"U174NDB8F", 4}]
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>: -----") == [{"U174NDB8F", -4}]

  test "limit very high values to 5" do
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>: ++++++++++++++++++++++") == [{"U174NDB8F", 5}]
    assert Parser.extract_karma("<@U174NDB8F>: ----------------------") == [{"U174NDB8F", -5}]

  test "multiple occurrences" do
    assert Parser.extract_karma("I'll give <@U174NDB8F>: +++++ and for <@U07A2APBP>---") == [{"U174NDB8F", 4}, {"U07A2APBP", -2}]

Some explaining is in order: @my_id is a module attribute, similar to constants in other languages. Here it is used together with string interpolation to represent the bot's id. Eg. "<@#{@my_id}> reset" turns into "<@U1J28HCKC> reset".

Run the tests with the following command from project's root directory:

$ mix test

They're all failing cause there's no parser yet! Create it under lib/elkarmo/parser.ex and insert the following code:

defmodule Elkarmo.Parser do
  @karma_regex ~R/<@(\w+)>:?\s*(-{2,6}|\+{2,6})/

  def parse(message, my_id) do
    cond do
      message =~ ~r/^\s*<@#{my_id}>:?\s*(?:info)?\s*$/ -> :info
      message =~ ~r/^\s*<@#{my_id}>(?::?\s*|\s+)reset\s*$/ -> :reset
      true -> 
        case extract_karma(message) do
          [] -> nil
          karma -> {:update, karma}

  def extract_karma(message) do
    for [_match, user, karma] <- Regex.scan(@karma_regex, message),
      do: {user, karma_value(karma)}

  defp karma_value("+" <> pluses), do: String.length pluses
  defp karma_value("-" <> minuses), do: -(String.length minuses)

There are some interesting constructs inside the parse function. First, there's cond block which evaluates a series of conditions and returns the first one which is true. The first two lines are matching message contents against the regular expression sigils to check for info and reset commands. If neither branch matches, then the default branch is executed, which calls extract_karma function and returns nil or :update tuple depending on the result.

In extract_karma there's another interesting Elixir construct, for aka comprehension. Regex.scan here is the generator and produces the list of three-element regex matches. Each match is then decomposed into _match (ignored), user and karma. The last two are used to create a tuple {user, points}.

To calculate karma_value, the concatenation operator (<>) is used to match against a series of plus/minus signs. The first sign is extracted so all that's left to do is to calculate the length of remaining string. Remember that ++ equals 1 karma point and -- equals -1.

Run the tests again (mix test) to ensure everything works fine.

Now you can update main handle_messages in slack.ex to make use of your new parser:

def handle_message(message = %{type: "message"}, slack) do
  if not is_direct_message?(message, slack) do
    case Elkarmo.Parser.parse(message.text, do
      :info -> show_karma(message, slack)
      :reset -> reset_karma(message, slack)
      {:update, changes} -> update_karma(message, slack, changes)
      _ -> :ok
    show_karma(message, slack)

Elixir's case statement is similar to case in C-like languages with some cool pattern-matching capabilities. For instance, :update tuple is deconstructed to extract modifications to the changes variable.

Add stubs for new functions to slack.ex and remove unused say_hello:

defp show_karma(%{channel: channel}, slack) do
  send_message("Showing karma", channel, slack)

defp reset_karma(%{channel: channel}, slack) do
  send_message("Resetting karma", channel, slack)

defp update_karma(%{channel: channel}, slack, changes) do
  send_message("Updating karma", channel, slack)

Bot should now respond to your commands with simple messages.

Upgrade your tech game with us


Time to think about representing users' scores. The dictionary seems the most obvious choice with users' ids as keys and their scores as values. The dictionary equivalent in Elixir is the map structure. Here's an example of such a map for storing points:

%{"U1J28HCKC" => 3, "U1A2B3C4D" => -5}

It would be cool to have a nice wrapper module around map for reading and updating karma. Create a file for unit tests under test/elkarmo/karma_test.exs with the following contents:

defmodule Elkarmo.KarmaTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  import Elkarmo.Karma

  @user1 "U1A2B3C4D"
  @user2 "U5A6B7C8D"
  @user3 "U1J28HCKC"

  test "empty" do
    assert empty == %{}

  test "update empty list" do
    initial_karma = %{@user3 => 3, @user1 => -5}
    assert update(initial_karma, []) == initial_karma

  test "update to empty karma" do
    initial_karma = empty
    to_apply = [{@user1, -5}, {@user3, 3}]
    assert update(initial_karma, to_apply) == %{@user3 => 3, @user1 => -5}

  test "update to existing karma" do
    initial_karma = %{@user3 => 3, @user1 => -5}
    to_apply = [{@user1, 20}, {@user2, 6}]
    assert update(initial_karma, to_apply) == %{@user3 => 3, @user1 => 15, @user2 => 6}

  test "get nonexistent user" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 50}
    assert get(karma, @user2) == nil

  test "get existing user" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 50, @user2 => -4}
    assert get(karma, @user2) == -4

  test "get multiple users" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 50, @user2 => -4}
    assert get(karma, [@user1, @user2, @user3]) == %{@user1 => 50, @user2 => -4, @user3 => nil}

Next, create the actual implementation in lib/elkarmo/karma.ex (and remember to run the tests afterwards):

defmodule Elkarmo.Karma do
  def empty(), do: %{}

  def update(karma, []), do: karma

  def update(karma, changes) do
    changes |> Enum.reduce(karma, &do_update/2)

  def get(karma, list) when is_list(list) do
    users_with_karma = for user <- list, do: {user, get(karma, user)} 
    users_with_karma |> Enum.into(%{})

  def get(karma, user), do: Map.get(karma, user)

  defp do_update({user, karma_to_add}, existing_karma) do
    Map.update existing_karma, user, karma_to_add, &(&1 + karma_to_add)

The new thing here is the guard clause when is_list(list). It ensures that function get(karma, list) will be matched only when the list parameter is the actual list. Otherwise, function get(karma, user) will be called.

Another cool thing is the pipe operator|>. It appends the expression on its left side as the last parameter of the function on the right side. So, the following line:

changes |> Enum.reduce(karma, &do_update/2)

is equal to:

Enum.reduce(karma, &do_update/2, changes)

To learn more about Enum.reduce/3, read the documentation.

&do_update/2 is the reference to function called do_update with two parameters.

&(&1 + karma_to_add) is the anonymous one-parameter function, which adds this parameter to karma_to_add. For more details about functions see here.


Time to implement a formatter which will turn karma representation into user-readable Slack messages. It will be shown as a list of usernames along with the score. I decided that if there's a single user with the most points there will be a thumbs-up emoji next to the score.

Put the tests for formatter in test/elkarmo/formatter_test.exs:

defmodule Elkarmo.FormatterTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  import Elkarmo.Formatter

  @user1 "U1A2B3C4D"
  @user2 "U5A6B7C8D"
  @user3 "U1J28HCKC"
  @user4 "U1Q2W3E4R"

  test "empty karma" do
    assert to_message(%{}) == "There's no karma yet"

  test "single user" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 15}
    assert to_message(karma) == "<@#{@user1}>: 15"

  test "single with nil karma" do
    karma = %{@user1 => nil}
    assert to_message(karma) == "<@#{@user1}> has no karma"

  test "mulitple users" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 0, @user3 => -100, @user2 => 90, @user4 => nil}
    assert to_message(karma) <> "\n" == """
    <@#{@user2}>: 90 :+1:
    <@#{@user1}>: 0
    <@#{@user3}>: -100
    <@#{@user4}> has no karma

  test "don't append winner icon when there's a draw between only users" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 90, @user2 => 90}
    assert to_message(karma) <> "\n" == """
    <@#{@user1}>: 90
    <@#{@user2}>: 90

  test "don't append winner icon when there's a draw" do
    karma = %{@user1 => 90, @user2 => 10, @user3 => 90}
    assert to_message(karma) <> "\n" == """
    <@#{@user1}>: 90
    <@#{@user3}>: 90
    <@#{@user2}>: 10

And the actual implementation in lib/elkarmo/formatter.ex:

defmodule Elkarmo.Formatter do
  def to_message(map) when map == %{}, do: "There's no karma yet"
  def to_message(map) do
    {nil_karmas, karmas} = Map.to_list(map) |> Enum.partition(&has_nil_karma?/1)
    karmas = Enum.sort(karmas, &compare_karmas/2)
    all_messages = do_to_message(karmas) ++ to_nil_message(nil_karmas)
    Enum.join(all_messages, "\n")

  defp to_nil_message(nil_karmas) do
    for {user, nil} <- nil_karmas, do: "<@#{user}> has no karma"

  defp do_to_message([]), do: []
  defp do_to_message([{user, karma}]), do: [score(user, karma)]
  defp do_to_message([head | tail]) do 
    {_next_user, next_karma} = hd tail
    new_head = case head do
      {_user, karma} when karma > next_karma -> score(head) <> " :+1:"
      _ -> score(head)
    [new_head | do_to_message_many(tail)]

  defp do_to_message_many([{user, karma}]), do: [score(user, karma)]
  defp do_to_message_many([head | tail]) do 
    [score(head) | do_to_message_many(tail)]
  defp score({user, karma}), do: score(user, karma)
  defp score(user, karma), do: "<@#{user}>: #{karma}"

  defp compare_karmas({_user1, karma1}, {_user2, karma2}), do: karma1 >= karma2
  defp has_nil_karma?({_user, karma}), do: karma == nil

Run the tests. You can also test your wrapper and formatter in iex:

iex(1)> Elkarmo.Karma.update(Elkarmo.Karma.empty(), [{"bonnie", 8}, {"clyde", 4}]) |> Elkarmo.Formatter.to_message
"<@bonnie>: 8 :+1:\n<@clyde>: 4"

State and Storage

How to store karma values between requests? Elixir modules are stateless. You cannot store karma in a private variable inside a module like you would do with a class in C#/Java. There are few ways to deal with it in Elixir. The most common ones are Agents and GenServers. You'll use the latter.

The storage module will not only store karma values between calls but will also save them to file, so if the app gets restarted, karma values won't be lost. For quick file storage I used Erlang library dets (Erlang can be called from Elixir and vice versa). Module will load karma from file karma_db on startup and save this file on every update.

Here's the implementation to save in lib/elkarmo/store.ex:

defmodule Elkarmo.Store do
  use GenServer

  @db_file :karma_db

  def start_link(karma), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, karma, name: __MODULE__)

  def get, do: __MODULE__, :get

  def set(new_karma), do: GenServer.cast __MODULE__, {:set, new_karma}

  def init(initial_karma) do
    {:ok, table} = :dets.open_file(@db_file, [type: :set])
    karma = case :dets.lookup(table, :karma) do
      [karma: found_karma] -> found_karma
      [] -> initial_karma

    {:ok, karma}

  def handle_call(:get, _from, state), do: {:reply, state, state}

  def handle_cast({:set, new_karma}, _current_karma) do
    :dets.insert(@db_file, {:karma, new_karma})
    {:noreply, new_karma}

  def terminate(_reason, _state) do

The init, handle_call, handle_cast and terminate are GenServer callbacks. While start_link, get and set are convenience wrappers around the former. Notice how state is passed around: it's returned as the last element inside {:reply, ...} and {:noreply, ...} tuples. The state returned is then passed as the last argument to handle_call and handle_cast. I won't explain GenServers in detail, but for me they can be thought of as microservices.

Putting it all together

To use Elkarmo.Store GenServer it must be started first, just like Elkarmo.Slack.start_link(...). It's not very convenient to do this every time so it's best to pack both Elkarmo.Store and Elkarmo.Slack into OTP application and make them start when the application is executed. In Elixir GenServers are usually started and governed by supervisors. Edit lib/elkarmo.ex and replace its contents with the following code:

defmodule Elkarmo do
  use Application
  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    slack_token = Application.get_env(:elkarmo, :slack_token)

    children = [
      worker(Elkarmo.Store, [Elkarmo.Karma.empty]),
      worker(Elkarmo.Slack, [slack_token])
    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Elkarmo.Supervisor]
    {:ok, _pid} = Supervisor.start_link children, opts

This supervisor gets slack token from the application configuration (you will add it soon), registers Elkarmo.Store and Elkarmo.Slack as its children and passes default state to them (empty karma for Store and token for Slack). Store is first because Slack depends on it. Next the supervisor is started with one_for_one strategy (it means that if a child dies, it will be the only one restarted).

Update application function in mix.exs to register Elkarmo as the application callback module (the one that is started with the app):

def application do
  [applications: [:logger, :websocket_client, :slack],
   mod: {Elkarmo, []}]

Time to add Slack token to the configuration file. Edit config/config.exs and add the following line below use Mix.Config (remember to change the token):

config :elkarmo, slack_token: "YOUR_SLACK_TOKEN_GOES_HERE"

Remember not to commit the configuration file with your token inside!

Time for final changes to elkarmo/slack.ex. Update show_karma, reset_karma, update_karma and add a new function is_cheater?:

defp show_karma(%{channel: channel}, slack) do
  msg = Elkarmo.Store.get |> Elkarmo.Formatter.to_message
  send_message(msg, channel, slack)

defp reset_karma(%{channel: channel}, slack) do
  Elkarmo.Store.set Elkarmo.Karma.empty
  send_message("Karma is gone :runner::dash:", channel, slack)

defp update_karma(%{channel: channel, user: user}, slack, changes) do
  {cheats, valid_changes} = Enum.partition(changes, &(is_cheater?(user, &1)))
  if cheats != [], do: send_message("<@#{user}>: :middle_finger:", channel, slack)
  current_karma = Elkarmo.Store.get
  new_karma = Elkarmo.Karma.update(current_karma, valid_changes)
  Elkarmo.Store.set new_karma

  changed_users = for {user, _} <- changes, do: user
  changed_karmas = Elkarmo.Karma.get(new_karma, changed_users)

  msg = Elkarmo.Formatter.to_message changed_karmas
  send_message(msg, channel, slack)

defp is_cheater?(sending_user, {user, karma}), do: sending_user == user and karma > 0

The last function works as a protection against users giving karma points to themselves.

That's it! Now if you run iex -S mix or mix run --no-halt the bot should connect automatically to Slack and be fully functional!

Since the application is now configured to start supervisor it's best to run mix test --no-start when testing. Without --no-start it would connect to Slack.


There are few ways to pack the application for release. Originally I used exrm but it turns out that it is going to be replaced by distillery. But at the time of writing it's still in beta and seems not to work well under Windows, so use exrm instead:

Update dependencies in mix.exs:

defp deps do
  {:slack, "~> 0.7.0"},
  {:websocket_client, git: ""},
  {:exrm, "~> 1.0"}

Run mix do deps.get, deps.compile to fetch exrm. If that succeeds, run mix release. The release will be in rel/elkarmo directory. The release targets the OS type that you're using, so you cannot use Linux-generated release on Windows and vice versa. To start elkarmo in the foreground run rel/elkarmo/bin/elkarmo console (on Windows administrator privileges might be needed). Run rel/elkarmo/bin/elkarmo alone to see possible options.

I experienced some problems with Windows releases so I recommend using macOS/Linux

The final version of the project is available at Questions, suggestions and pull requests are welcome!

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